Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Astrological Reason You'll Be Deep In Your Feelings This Month

With the haunting Halloween full blue moon , the year's final Mercury retrograde period , and the chaotic astrology of Election Day behind us, we're all likely itching for a chance at a fresh start. Enter the November 2020 new moon , which peaks late-night on November 14 (or in the wee hours of the morning on Nov. 15, if you're on eastern time). Because this lunation takes place the day after Mars retrograde ends , the new beginnings energy of this lunation is strong — and knowing how the November 2020 new moon will affect your zodiac sign can help you make the most of one of the month's astrological highlights.
November's new moon is the lunar dark point of Scorpio season 2020 , during which both the sun and moon will align in this emotionally intense water sign. Scorpio's new moon energy is all about facing our shadow sides — so if we're willing to be honest with ourselves about all of our taboo desires, under-the-surface fears, and and most vulnerable feelings, then we'll be able to use our new moon intentions to clear some of the skeletons out of our closet, once and for all. Thankfully, there are some positive planetary aspects taking place that will make this process easier. The moon is linking up with both Jupiter and Pluto, which will connect us with our inner wisdom and give us more emotional access to our shadow sides.
Step into your cosmic power and find out how the November 2020 new moon will affect your zodiac sign .
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

This new moon is more than a dark night in the sky this month, Aries — it feels like a dark night in your soul. While quietly turning your focus inward and acknowledging the intimate, vulnerable details of your relationships and desires isn’t easy, embracing it is the best way for you to grow. Your dark side needs nourishing, too.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You have an opportunity to embrace a new and more intimate start within your closest one-on-one partnerships, Taurus — and a chance to make these relationships more authentic than ever before. You’re rejecting surface-level small talk in favor of deep, honest communication, and trading in flirtations for real feelings. Allow yourself to be vulnerable instead of putting up defenses.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

It's been a long and difficult year, Gemini, and this new moon is a good chance for you to start working some moments of spirituality into your daily routine. Getting real about your needs can be a challenge, as we don't always want to change our lives around to accommodate them — but being true to your soul is a must. Try committing to doing lunar spells, morning rituals, or even a nightly meditation practice.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

This lunation could mark a rich new beginning for you in the romance or creativity departments, Cancer, so embrace the fresh flow of energy. Whether it’s a crush whose text messages have been making your heart flutter or an artistic passion project that’s been inspiring you in your free time, this is an ideal moment to commit to moving forward on whatever brings genuine joy and excitement to your heart.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

How many secrets from your past have you been bottling up inside, Leo? Repressing the pain of old wounds is a coping mechanism we've all employed, but this new moon inspires you to do some soul-searching and release some of the baggage weighing you down. Whether it’s unresolved childhood trauma or the sting of heartbreak, trust that you have the strength to face these hurts head-on.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

It’ll feel like all your actions, conversations, and interactions during the new moon weekend will take on the intensity of raw, emotional honesty, Virgo. While you’re usually one to favor logical thinking only, the new moon weekend will behoove you to embrace whatever lunar feelings get brought to the surface now. Your vulnerability can help inspire others to be more authentic with themselves, too.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Now’s the time to make good on any debts and start getting real about your financial situation. Use the new moon as an opportunity to clear a new slate and reevaluate your relationship to money. Let go of any shame around your current standing and embrace the chance to start anew.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You’re reinventing yourself now, Scorpio. This new moon allows you to look in the mirror and see yourself for exactly who you are, and this clarity will also sharpen your vision of who you want to become. This lunation may be shadowed, but your star power isn’t.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

This is an introspective month for you Sagittarius, and this new moon weekend marks the height of your retreat into the deepest parts of your soul. Prioritize rest and relaxation, because the self-work you’re doing right now doesn’t involve making complicated to-do lists. Instead, try looking for clues within your dreams. Your best ideas will come while you’re alone.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

How can you use your vulnerability to help others — and how can others helpyouto embrace your deepest emotions? Now’s not a time to shy away from the power of the collective, Capricorn. Instead, wear your heart on your sleeve and openly lean on the people around you, even if you’re usually more of a do-it-yourself type. Reach out to those you trust to work through your feelings.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Your most private emotions and vulnerable feelings could be the source of your greatest power, Aquarius — even when it comes to your career. You’re deeply focused on making a mark on the world through your work and climbing the professional ladder now, and this new moon offers you a chance to call on your inner core of feelings for inspiration. Blend your head with your heart to start carving out a path that’s uniquelyyou.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Margaret Flatley/Bustle

The moon being in a fellow water sign will inspire you to feel your feelings on a deep level now, Pisces — but it’ll also inspire you to seek ways of relating to the world. Often we think of emotions as personal, but they can actually be a way to build connection to even the most foreign and faraway of places, people, and concepts. Don’t limit yourself to one way of thinking. This is a chance to manifest a new vision.

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