Monday, November 9, 2020

What It Means When You See A Centipede At Home

If the environment where you live is characterized by regular cool and cold humid conditions, you'd probably be very familiar with centipedes. By their very nature, such environments are home to them.

Scientists are of the opinion that centipedes are not insects; they opine that centipedes are actually myriapods, making them distant relatives to insects. The most notable feature of centipedes is their elongated body and dozens of legs, an obvious feature that separates them from insects.
Centipedes could be very scary, especially to women. Funny but true. There are actually harmful because they do sting. Its sting is usually occasioned by short-term pain, skin inflammation, and redness in some cases. However, some people may also be allergic to the venom it injects into the skin.

There are also arguments from other quarters that centipedes could be beneficial because they help control household pests such as cockroaches, silverfish, and ants.
In all these, one thing is certain: IF YOU SEE A CENTIPEDE IN YOUR HOUSE, THERE IS PROBABLY NO REASON TO PANIC. But if you notice a significant number of house centipedes, it is an indication that you probably need to fumigate your house.

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