Sunday, May 31, 2020

I Was Asked to Lie About Covid19 Deaths So As to Drive Fear In People and Control Their Interests Using That Fear - Doctor Reveals

Here is a televised confession of a medical doctor admitting to being forced to lie about coronavirus deaths.

Dr Scott Jensen says he was served with a document that forced him to write on the death certificate of an 86 year old who had died of pneumonia that the patient was a covid-19 death because the patient had come into contact with covid-19 positive person even though the patient tested positive for covid-19.

When asked why he thinks he was forced to lie, Dr Jensen blatantly said,

“well, fear is effective in controlling people.”In other, Dr Jensen is saying the covid-19 numbers are manipulated to drive fear in people, and then control their interests using that fear.

It is also interesting that whenever the SABC reports covid-19 deaths, they are careful to say ‘coronavirus related deaths’. In other words, these are people who did not necessarily die of the coronavirus, but died with the coronavirus.

Suppose you are diagnosed with TB, or pneumonia, and are already in a very critical condition on the brink of death, then you catch coronavirus, should you die, you will be classified as a covid-19 death, even though covid-19 wasn’t the cause of your death.

Dr Scott Jansen is a physician and Senator in the United States. He made the confession on Fox News, one of US' top news networks. Since the US is currently the hardest hit by covid-19, Dr Jansen confession is critical in dismantling the fear mongering that the media has been advancing.

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